Building IML 4.0.x

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Make sure you are in the integrated-manager-for-lustre repo and perform the following steps:

  1. Create a new centos7 docker container and enter /bin/bash

    docker run -it --name iml-builder -v "$(pwd)":/integrated-manager-for-lustre centos:centos7 bash
  2. Install necessary dependencies

    yum install -y yum-plugin-copr make git epel-release python-setuptools rpm-build ed python-virtualenv systemd-devel graphviz-devel createrepo;
    yum group install -y "Development Tools";
    yum copr enable managerforlustre/manager-for-lustre-4.0.10 -y;
    yum copr enable ngompa/dnf-el7 -y;
    yum install -y nodejs npm dnf 'dnf-command(repoquery)' ruby libpqxx-devel;
  3. Run the jenkins build script

    export distro=\${distro:-el7}
    cd integrated-manager-for-lustre/

This will produce iml-4.0.x.0.tar.gz in the chroma-bundles directory.
