Building Rust RPMs

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Building Rust RPMs is still an early topic, and this document is subject to change over time.

Generating a spec

Creating a specfile can be sped up by using rust2rpm.

Steps (Assuming RHEL 7)

  1. Install cargo:

    yum install -y epel-release
    yum install -y cargo
  2. Install Python 3 and activate:

     yum install -y centos-release-scl
     yum install -y rh-python36
     scl enable rh-python36 bash
  3. Create a virtualenv and activate:

    python -m venv my_project_venv
    source my_project_venv/bin/activate
  4. Pull the latest rust2rpm release.

  5. Install the rust2rpm package locally with pip

  6. Run:

    rust2rpm <PATH/TO/RUST/PROJECT>
  7. The generated spec will contain a number of crates listed as [dependencies] under BuildRequires and Requires. We won’t be using those directly; delete all those lines. In addition, remove BuildRequires: rust-packaging, and replace ExclusiveArch: %{rust_arches} with ExclusiveArch: x86_64 or whatever arches you plan to support.

  8. If the package you are working with is part of a workspace, there are a few more edits. Add the following after the Source0: line:

    Source1:        Cargo.lock
    %cargo_bundle_crates -l 1

Building the SRPM

  1. Install the rust-bundled-packaging RPM, built on iml copr:

    yum install -y yum-plugin-copr
    yum -y copr enable -y managerforlustre/buildtools
    yum install -y rust-bundled-packaging spectool
  2. If the package being used is in a workspace, you will need to copy the dir elsewhere. This is so the package is built in a standalone way. If so, copy the dir outside the tree so it’s not associated with the workspace. If you are not in a workspace, skip this step.

  3. Generate a local crate if the project you are building is not on

    cargo package
  4. Take the resulting crate and put it into the rpmbuild SOURCES dir.

  5. grab all the deps. In the SOURCES dir:

    spectool -g <(rpmspec -P name.spec)
  6. build the spec:

    rpmbuild -bs <SPEC_NAME_HERE.spec>

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