Setting up Power Control

Power control can be configured once all of the managed servers have been added successfully and the network interfaces have been updated. To do this, ensure /usr/local/bin is added to the PATH environment variable on the admin / host node. This must be added to a shell initialization script that will be sourced when a new session is created. Add the path to ~/.bashrc on the host:

 export PATH="$PATH:/usr/local/bin"

Next, install fence-agents-vbox on the adm node and on all of the server nodes:

vagrant sh -c "sudo yum install -y fence-agents-vbox" adm oss1 oss2 mds1 mds2

Next, ssh into the adm node and install the “fake” IPMI hardware:

cd /usr/share/chroma-manager
python scripts/
    # Enter "" for the IP
    # Enter your computer username
    # Enter your computer password

Once completed, navigate to Configuration->Power Control. Add the following entries for each server:

Server PDU
mds1.lfs.local mds1
mds2.lfs.local mds2
oss1.lfs.local oss1
oss2.lfs.local oss2

Initially, each entry will highlight with a light orange background. Wait for 30 seconds and refresh the page; each entry will now be green. Your power control is now setup.

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