How to create offline repos for IML

Software Installation Guide Table of Contents

The following is a procedure for creating local repos using a CentOS 7 VM or container.

  1. Install createrepo and yum-plugin-copr if they are not present:

    yum install -y createrepo yum-plugin-copr
  2. Add upstream repos needed for IML to you work node:

    yum copr enable -y managerforlustre/manager-for-lustre
    yum-config-manager --add-repo
    yum-config-manager --add-repo
    yum-config-manager --add-repo
  3. Create a dir to hold local repos and navigate to it:

    mkdir local_repos;
    cd local_repos
  4. Run reposync for the repos we want to sync:

    reposync -n --repoid=downloads.whamcloud.com_public_e2fsprogs_latest_el7_  \
    --repoid=managerforlustre-manager-for-lustre \
    --repoid=downloads.whamcloud.com_public_lustre_lustre-2.12.0_el7_client_ \
  5. (Optional) You may want to sync EPEL and or CentOS Extras as well if you don’t have them where you are deploying to. Make sure you are syncing versions that match your OS, you may need to use the CentOS vault for this.

    reposync -n --repoid=epel --repoid=extras
  6. Use createrepo to create repomd (xml-rpm-metadata) repositories:

    createrepo ./downloads.whamcloud.com_public_e2fsprogs_latest_el7_
    createrepo ./downloads.whamcloud.com_public_lustre_lustre-2.12.0_el7_server_
    createrepo ./downloads.whamcloud.com_public_lustre_lustre-2.12.0_el7_client_
    createrepo ./managerforlustre-manager-for-lustre/
  7. (Optional) use createrepo for EPEL and CentOS Extras if you ran reposync for them earlier:

    createrepo ./epel
    createrepo ./extras
  8. Navigate out of local_repos and tar the resulting dir:

    tar -czvf local_repos.tar.gz ./local_repos
  9. Take the local_repos.tar.gz and move it to the manager node.

  10. Fetch the IML manager install repo as described in The install guide. Do not install yet.

  11. Expand the local_repos tarball. Update the chroma_support.repo so that each baseurl points to its corresponding local_repos subdir.

  12. Install the manager as usual. Do not deploy agents.

  13. Once installed, move the local_repos subdirs into /var/lib/chroma/repo.

  14. Update /usr/share/chroma-manager/base.repo, /usr/share/chroma-manager/lustre-server.repo, and /usr/share/chroma-manager/lustre-client.repo so that each baseurl points back to the url of the manager node, and ssl props are put in place. Example for e2fsprogs:

    name=Lustre e2fsprogs
    sslverify = 1
    sslcacert = /etc/iml/authority.crt
    sslclientkey = /etc/iml/private.pem
    sslclientcert = /etc/iml/self.crt
  15. Deploy agents as usual.

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