REST API for Integrated Manager for Lustre software software

Software API Documentation Table of Contents


The manager server web interface and command line interface (CLI) included with the Integrated Manager for Lustre software are built on the REST API, which is accessed via HTTP. This API is available for integration with third party applications. The types of operations possible using the API include creating a file system, checking the system for alert conditions, and downloading performance metrics. All functionality provided in the manager server web interface is based on this API, so anything that can be done using the web interface can also potentially be done from third party applications.

The API is based on the REST style, and uses JSON serialization. Some of the resources exposed in the API correspond to functionality within the Lustre file system, while others refer to functionality specific to the Integrated Manager for Lustre software.

This document consists of a series of sections explaining how to use the API, followed by an Example client, and a detailed API Reference describing all available functionality.


Overview of Lustre File Systems in the API


The terminology used in this document differs somewhat from that used when administering a Lustre file system manually. This document avoids referring to a host as an object storage server (OSS), metdata server (MDS), or management server (MGS) because, in a Lustre file system created using the Integrated Manager for Lustre software, a host can serve targets of any of these types.

Lustre-specific terms used in this API include:

Term Description
OST a block device formatted as an object store target
MDT a block device formatted as a metadata target
MGT a block device formatted as a management target
File system a collection of MGT, MDTs and OSTs

Objects and Relationships

The following objects are required for a running file system: MGT, MDT, OST (target), filesystem, volume, volume node, host.

The order of construction permitted for consumers of the REST API is:

  1. Hosts
  2. Volumes and volume nodes (these are detected from hosts)
  3. MGTs (these may also be created during file system creation)
  4. File system (includes creating an MDT and one or more OSTs)
  5. Any additional OSTs (added to an existing file system)

The following cardinality rules are observed:

Fetching Objects

Access to objects such as servers, targets and file systems is provided using meaningful URLs. For example, to access a file system with ID 1, use /api/filesystem/1/. To read file system attributes, use an HTTP GET operation, while to modify the attributes, send back a modified copy of the object using an HTTP PUT operation to the same URL. The PUT verb tells the server that you want to modify something, the URL tells the server which object you want to modify, and the payload contains the updated fields.

Operations using a URL for a specific object are referred to in this document as detail operations. These operations usually return a single serialized object in the response.

To see all the file systems, omit the /1/ in the URL and do a GET /api/filesystem/. This type of operation is referred to in this document as a list operation.

Use of HTTPS

By default, the manager server uses a server certificate signed by its built-in CA. To verify this certificate in an API client, you must download the manager server CA. The CA is available for download from the manager server at the /certificate/ path.

Filtering and Ordering

To filter on an attribute value, pass the attribute and value as an argument to a GET request. For example, to get targets belonging to a file system with ID 1, use GET /api/target/?filesystem_id=1.

Ordering of results is done using the order_by URL parameter set to the name of the attribute by which the results are to be ordered, prefixed with - to reverse the order. For example, to get all targets in reverse name order, use the URL /api/target/?order_by=-name.

More advanced filtering is also possible (Note: The manager server uses the Django* framework to access its database, so django style’ queries are used). They use double-underscore suffixes to field names to indicate the type of filtering. Some commonly used filters are shown in the following list:

Filter Description
__in: Has one of the values in a list
__lt: Less than
__gt: Greater than
__lte Less than or equal to
__gte: Greater than or equal to
__contains Contains the string (case sensitive)
__icontains: Contains the string (case insensitive)
__startswith: Starts with the string
__endswith: Ends with the string

For example, an object that supports id__in filtering allows an “If its ID is in this list” query. Note that to pass lists as URL parameters, the argument must be repeated. So, to get a list of targets 1 and 2, the URL is /api/target/?id__in=1&id__in=2.

See the API Reference for details about which attributes are permitted for ordering and filtering on a resource-by-resource basis.


The API will respect the Accept header in a request. Set the Accept header to application/json to receive JSON responses.

JSON does not define an encoding for dates and times. The API uses the ISO8601 format for dates and times, with the caveat that the timezone must be specified in values or behaviour is undefined.

You may find it useful to browse the API using a web browser. To do this on a running system, first log into the manager server web interface, and then point your browser at http://my-command-center/api/host/?format=json. The resulting output is best browsed using a plugin like JSONView for the Google* Chrome* browser. Note that using format=json is only necessary when using a browser: your own client will set the Accept header instead.

Detail Responses

Detail GET requests (e.g. GET /api/host/1/) return a dict representing a single object.

Most serialized objects have at least resource_uri and id fields. Where an object has a human readable name that is useful for presentation, it is in an attribute called label.

Note that in some cases it may be necessary to manually compose the URL for an object based on its type and integer ID. Usually when an object is provided by the server, it is accompanied by a resource_uri attribute which should be used for subsequent access to the object instead of building the URL on the client.

List Responses

All list methods (e.g. GET /api/host) return a dict with ‘meta’ and ‘objects’ keys. The ‘meta’ key contains information about the set of objects returned, which is useful for pagination.

If you wish to obtain all objects, pass limit=0 as a parameter to the request.

        "meta": {
            "limit": 20,
            "next": null,
            "offset": 0,
            "previous": null,
            "total_count": 2
        "objects": [{...}, {...}]


Parameter Description
limit: the maximum number of records returned in each response (you may pass this as a parameter to your request, or pass 0 to fetch an unlimited number)
offset: offset of this page into the overall result (you may pass this as a parameter to your request)
total_count: the total number of records matching your request, before pagination
next: a URL to the next page of results
previous: a URL to the previous page of results

Creating, Modifying, and Deleting Objects

Objects are created using the POST method. The attributes provided at creation time are sent as a JSON-encoded dict in the body of the POST (not as URL parameters). If an object is successfully created, its identifier will be included in the response.

Some resources support using the PUT method to modify attributes. In some cases, executing a PUT may result in a literal, immediate modification of an attribute (such as altering a human readable name), while in other cases, it will start an asynchronous operation (such as changing the state attribute of a target from mounted to unmounted). Most attributes are read only. Where it is possible to use PUT to modify a resource, this is stated in the resource’s documentation (see API Reference)

On resources that support the DELETE method, this method may be used to remove resources from the storage server. Some objects can always be removed immediately, while others take some time to remove and the operation may not succeed. For example, removing a file system requires removing the configuration of its targets from the Lustre servers: if a DELETE is sent for such an object then the operation will be run asynchronously (see Asynchronous Actions)

Asynchronous Actions

When an action will occur in the background, the ACCEPTED (202) status code is returned, with a dictionary containing a command object, e.g.:

        "command": {
            "id": 22,
            "resource_uri": 22,
            "message": "Starting filesystem testfs"

In some cases, the response may include additional fields describing work that was completed synchronously. For example, POSTing to /api/filesystem/ returns the command for setting up a file system, and also the newly created filesystem.

You can poll the /api/command/<command-id>/ resource to check the status of your asynchronous operation. You may start multiple operations and allow them to run in parallel.

State Changes

Some objects with a state attribute allow PUTs to modify the attribute and return a command for the resulting action. To determine valid values for the state, examine the available_transitions attribute of the object. This is a list of objects, each with a state attribute and a verb attribute. The verb attribute is a hint for presentation to the user, while the state attribute is what should be written back to the original object’s state field in a PUT to cause its state to change.

For example, consider this host object:

        "address": "flint02",
        "available_transitions": [
                "state": "removed",
                "verb": "Remove"
                "state": "lnet_unloaded",
                "verb": "Unload LNet"
                "state": "lnet_down",
                "verb": "Stop LNet"
        "content_type_id": 6,
        "fqdn": "flint02",
        "id": "10",
        "label": "flint02",
        "nodename": "flint02",
        "resource_uri": "/api/host/10/",
        "state": "lnet_up"

The host is in state lnet_up. To stop LNet, the host state can be transitioned to the appropriate available transition ‘lnet_down’/’Stop LNet’ by executing a PUT {"state": "lnet_down"} to /api/host/10/.

Assuming the transition sent is a valid one, this PUT will result in a response with status code 202, and a command will be included in the response (see Asynchronous actions)

Access Control

If your application requires write access (methods other than GET) to the API, or if the server is configured to prevent anonymous users from reading, then your application must authenticate itself to the server.

User accounts and credentials can be created and managed using the manager server web interface – we assume here that a suitable account has already been created. Create an account for your application with the lowest possible privilege level.

For a complete example of how to authenticate with the API, see the Example client.


Establishing a session only applies when authenticating by username and password.

Before authenticating you must establish a session. Do this by sending a GET to /api/session/, and including the returned sessionid cookie in subsequent responses.


Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF) protection only applies when authenticating by username and password.

Because the API is accessed directly from a web browser, it requires CSRF protection. When authenticating by username+password, the client must accept and maintain the csrftoken cookie that is returned from the /api/session/ resource used to establish the session and set the X-CSRFToken request header in each request to the value of that cookie.

Note that an absent or incorrect CSRF token only causes an error on POST requests.


By username and password

Once a session is established, you may authenticate by POSTing to /api/session (see session).

By key

Currently, consumers of the API must log in using the same username/password credentials used in the web interface. This will be augmented with optional public key authentication in future versions. Authenticating using a key is exempt from the requirement to maintain a session and handle CSRF tokens.*

Validation and Error Handling

Invalid Requests

BAD REQUEST (400) responses to POSTs or PUTs may be interpreted as validation errors resulting from errors in fields submitted. The body of the response contains a dictionary of field names with corresponding error messages, which can be presented to the user as validation errors on the fields.

For example, attempting to create a file system with a name longer than 8 characters may result in a 400 response with the following body:

        "name": "Filesystem name 'verylongname' is too long (limit 8 characters)"

BAD REQUEST (400) responses to GETs and DELETEs indicate that something more serious was wrong with the request, for example, the caller attempted to filter or sort on a field that is not permitted.


If an unhandled exception, INTERNAL SERVER ERROR (500), occurs during an API call, and the manager server is running in development mode, the exception and traceback will be serialized and returned as JSON:

        "error_message": "Exception 'foo'",
        "traceback": "Traceback (most recent call last):\n  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/django/core/handlers/", line 111, in get_response\n    response = callback(request, *callback_args, **callback_kwargs)"

Example Client

The example below is written in Python* and uses the python-requests module for HTTP operations. It demonstrates how to establish a session, authenticate, and retrieve a list of hosts.

import os
import requests
import json
from urlparse import urljoin


def setup_ca(url):
    To verify the server's identity on subsequent connections, first
    download the manager server's local CA.

    if os.path.exists(LOCAL_CA_FILE):

    response = requests.get(urljoin(url, "certificate/"), verify = False)
    if response.status_code != 200:
        raise RuntimeError("Failed to download CA: %s" % response.status_code)

    open(LOCAL_CA_FILE, 'w').write(response.content)
    print "dir %s" % os.getcwd()
    print "Stored chroma CA certificate at %s" % LOCAL_CA_FILE

def list_hosts(url, username, password):
    # Create a local session context
    session = requests.session()
    session.headers = {"Accept": "application/json", "Content-type": "application/json"}
    session.verify = LOCAL_CA_FILE

    # Obtain a session ID from the API
    response = session.get(urljoin(url, "api/session/"))
    if not 200 <= response.status_code < 300:
        raise RuntimeError("Failed to open session")
    session.headers['X-CSRFToken'] = response.cookies['csrftoken']
    session.cookies['csrftoken'] = response.cookies['csrftoken']
    session.cookies['sessionid'] = response.cookies['sessionid']

    # Authenticate our session by username and password
    response =, "api/session/"), data = json.dumps({'username': username, 'password': password}))
    if not 200 <= response.status_code < 300:
        raise RuntimeError("Failed to authenticate")

    # Get a list of servers
    response = session.get(urljoin(url, "api/host/"))
    if not 200 <= response.status_code < 300:
        raise RuntimeError("Failed to get host list")
    body_data = json.loads(response.text)
    # Print out each host's address
    return [host['fqdn'] for host in body_data['objects']]

if __name__ == '__main__':
    url = "https://localhost:8000/"
    username = 'debug'
    password = 'password'
    print list_hosts(url, username, password)

API Reference

Note: in addition to the information in this document, you may inspect the available API resources and their fields on a running manager server. To enumerate available resources, use GET /api/. The resulting list includes links to individual resource schemas like /api/host/schema.

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alert_type (/api/alert_type/)


A list of possible alert types. Use for populating alert subscriptions.


Request options

API Reference

help (/api/help/)¶


This resource provides contextual help for use in user interfaces.

GETs to the /conf_param/ sub-url respond with help for Lustre configuration parameters. There are two ways to do this GET:

The response is a dictionary where the key is a configuration parameter name and the value is a help string.


resource_uri: URL for this object

Request options

API Reference

server_profile (/api/server_profile/)

Description None


Request options

API Reference

power_control_type (/api/power_control_type/)¶


A type (make/model, etc.) of power control device


Request options

API Reference

pacemaker_configuration (/api/pacemaker_configuration/)¶


LNetConfiguration information.


Request options

API Reference

copytool (/api/copytool/)

Description None


Request options

API Reference

copytool_operation (/api/copytool_operation/)¶

Description None


Request options

API Reference

client_mount (/api/client_mount/)

Description None


Request options

API Reference

group (/api/group/)¶


A user group. Users inherit the permissions of groups of which they are a member. Groups are used internally to refer to factory-configured profiles, so this resource is read-only.


Request options

API Reference

log (/api/log/)¶


syslog messages collected by the manager server.


Request options

API Reference

power_control_device (/api/power_control_device/)


An instance of a power control device, associated with a power control type


Request options

API Reference

network_interface (/api/network_interface/)¶


NetworkInterface information.


Request options

API Reference

power_control_device_outlet (/api/power_control_device_outlet/)


An outlet (individual host power control entity) associated with a Power Control Device.


Request options

API Reference

nid (/api/nid/)¶


Nid information.


Request options

API Reference

alert (/api/alert/)¶


Notification of a bad health state. Alerts refer to particular objects (such as servers or targets), and can either be active (indicating this is a current problem) or inactive (indicating this is a historical record of a problem).


Request options

API Reference

test_host (/api/test_host/)


A request to test a potential host address for accessibility, typically used prior to creating the host. Only supports POST with the ‘address’ field.


Request options

API Reference

job (/api/job/)


Jobs refer to individual units of work that the server is doing. Jobs may either run as part of a Command, or on their own. Jobs which are necessary to the completion of more than one command may belong to more than one command.

For example:

Jobs which are part of the same command may run in parallel to one another.

The lock objects in the read_locks and write_locks fields have the following form:

   "id": "1",
   "locked_item_id": 2,
   "locked_item_content_type_id": 4

The id and content_type_id of the locked object form a unique identifier which can be compared with API-readable objects which have such attributes.


Request options

API Reference

lnet_configuration (/api/lnet_configuration/)¶


LNetConfiguration information.


Request options

API Reference

user (/api/user/)


A user account


Request options

API Reference

volume_node (/api/volume_node/)


Represents a device node on a particular host, which accesses a particular volume. Usually accessed as an attribute of a volume rather than on its own.

This resource cannot be written to directly. To update use and primary, PUT to the volume that the node belongs to.

This resource is used by the CLI.


Request options

API Reference

registration_token (/api/registration_token/)¶


Server registration tokens. To add a server via HTTPS registration, acquire one of these first.

POSTs may be passed ‘expiry’ and ‘credits’

PATCHs may only be passed ‘cancelled’


Request options

API Reference

step (/api/step/)


A step belongs to a Job. Steps execute sequentially, and may be retried. A given Job may have multiple ‘step 1’ records if retries have occurred, in which case they may be distinguished by their created_at attributes.

The details of the steps for a job are usually only interesting if something has gone wrong and the user is interested in any captured exceptions or console output.

Don’t load steps for a job unless they’re really needed; the console output may be large.


Request options

API Reference

corosync_configuration (/api/corosync_configuration/)


Corosync Configuration information.


Request options

API Reference

target (/api/target/)


A Lustre target.

Typically used for retrieving targets for a particular file system (by filtering on filesystem_id) and/or of a particular type (by filtering on kind).

A Lustre target may be a management target (MGT), a metadata target (MDT), or an object store target (OST).

A single target may be created using POST, and many targets may be created using PATCH, with a request body as follows:

  "objects": [ or more target objects...],
  "deletions": []


Request options

API Reference

alert_subscription (/api/alert_subscription/)

Description None


Request options

API Reference

volume (/api/volume/)


A volume represents a unit of storage suitable for use as a Lustre target. This typically corresponds to a SCSI LUN. Since volumes are frequently accessible from multiple hosts via different device nodes, the device node information is represented in the volume_node resource. A list of volume nodes is provided with each volume in the volume_nodes list attribute.

Depending on available volume nodes, the status attribute may be set to one of:

To configure the high availability for a volume before creating a Lustre target, you must update the use and primary attributes of the volume nodes. To update the use and primary attributes of a node, use PUT to the volume to access the volume_node attribute for the node. Only one node can be identified as primary.

PUT to a volume with the volume_nodes attribute populated to update the use and primary attributes of the nodes (i.e. to configure the high availability for this volume before creating a Lustre target). You may only identify one node as primary.


Request options

API Reference

storage_resource_class (/api/storage_resource_class/)


Defines a type of storage_resource that can be created.

Storage resource classes belong to a particular plugin (plugin_name attribute) . The name of the storage resource class (class_name attribute) is unique within the plugin.


Request options

API Reference

storage_resource (/api/storage_resource/)


Storage resources are objects within the storage plugin framework. Note: the term ‘resource’ is used to refer to REST API resources and also in this context to refer to the separate concept of a storage resource.

A storage resource is of a class defined by the storage_resource_class resource.

This resource has a special ancestor_of filter argument, which may be set to the ID of a storage resource to retrieve all the resources that are its ancestors.


Request options

API Reference

package (/api/package/)


Represents a particular version of a package. Includes which servers have this package installed, and on which servers this package is available. Filter by host to obtain a report including only packages which are installed on or available to a particular host.


Request options

API Reference

host (/api/host/)


Represents a Lustre server that is being monitored and managed from the manager server.

PUTs to this resource must have the state attribute set.

POSTs to this resource must have the address attribute set.


Request options

API Reference

system_status (/api/system_status/)


The internal status of this server.


Request options

API Reference

session (/api/session/)


The current user session. This resource exposes only list-style methods, all of which implicitly operate on the current session (determined from HTTP headers).

In addition to finding out about who is logged in, GET operations on the session resource are a useful way of obtaining sessionid and csrftoken values (see Access control)

Authenticate a session by using POST to send credentials. Use DELETE to log out from a session.


Request options

API Reference

command (/api/command/)


Asynchronous user-initiated operations which create, remove or modify resources are represented by command objects. When a PUT, POST, PATCH or DELETE to a resource returns a 202 ACCEPTED response, the response body contains a command identifier. The command resource is used to query the status of these asynchronous operations.

Typically this is used to poll a command for completion and find out whether it succeeded.


Request options

API Reference

filesystem (/api/filesystem/)


A Lustre file system, associated with exactly one MGT and consisting of one or mode MDTs and one or more OSTs.

When using POST to create a file system, specify volumes to use like this:

  "osts": [{"volume_id": 22}],
  "mdt": {"volume_id": 23},
  "mgt": {"volume_id": 24}

To create a file system using an existing MGT instead of creating a new MGT, set the id attribute instead of the volume_id attribute for that target (i.e. mgt: {id: 123}).

Note: A Lustre file system is owned by an MGT, and the name of the file system is unique within that MGT. Do not use name as a globally unique identifier for a file system in your application.


Request options

API Reference

ha_cluster (/api/ha_cluster/)

Description None


Request options

API Reference

host_profile (/api/host_profile/)


Get and set profiles associated with hosts.


Request options

API Reference

Copyright (c) 2018 DDN. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.

* Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others. This product includes software developed by the OpenSSL Project for use in the OpenSSL Toolkit. (

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